In its simplest form, Creative Hiring™ is for anyone who needs to hire for a role that is unique, and important.

For Path Pavers

We disproportionately love individuals who pursue their professions on their own accord. We refer to them as Path Pavers. The ones who create their career paths. Traditional HR hiring principles overlook these individuals consistently. They do not fit the standard “type” and because they look different or have different backgrounds they are passed on, or viewed as risky. We don’t believe this to be the case. The Creative Hiring™ framework teaches you to catch the talent traditional HR constantly misses.

For Companies

Creative Hiring™ is for companies that wish to build a team of true game changers. Ones that are different in a good way. Creative Hiring™ is for companies that want to hire based on their preferences (values), environment, and context of their situation. Hiring™ is personal, and Creative Hiring™ is a framework that we tailor to you.

For Unique Roles

If you have roles that are unique, challenging, and will have a high impact on the organization, Creative Hiring™ is for you. This can include leadership roles and new to your organization roles. Any role within your organization that you cannot afford to take a foolish gamble on.

Ready to get started?

We’re excited for you to try out the Creative Hiring™ framework. Select an option below!

A Different Way to Hire.

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